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EV India State Ranking | Detailed Methodology


The EV India State Ranking is a tool to objectively assess how these state policies have impacted the EV adoption in the states. Each state is assessed on the following three scoring methods;

  1. Affordability Score

  2. Charging Infrastructure scoreAdoption Score

This article  is an overview of the methodology applied in developing the scoring model.

1. Affordability Score

This is a relative scoring framework developed to understand the impact of the state's policies on purchase of an Electric Vehicle (EV). These are state specific incentives over and above the central government’s FAME subsidy. The incentives are categorised into the following five categories : 

a. Demand Incentives

b. SGST reimbursement

c. Motor Vehicle Tax exemption

d. Registration fee exemption, and 

e. Motor fee exemption

These incentives were arrived at after a detailed policy analysis. Only policies or schemes that are active are considered. Policies that have expired or states that have run out of budgets to support incentives are also scored lower. 

By totaling the aforementioned incentives and deducting them from an EV's ex-showroom price, we can assess the ex-showroom price of owning an electric vehicle in that state. All of the above incentives are calculated for each state based on the following EV models as benchmark in each vehicular category viz., two-wheelers, three-wheelers and four-wheelers.


Ex-showroom price



Ex-showroom Price (Incl. GST)

Ather 450S





Mahindra Treo SRT










Once the total incentive amount for each state is computed, the state is relatively scored against the other states; as in, the state providing the highest cumulative incentives mentioned above has a perfect score of 10/10 and other states are scored relative to the highest incentive amount. This method of scoring is called percentile rank.

2. Charging Infrastructure Score

This is a relative scoring framework that assesses the number and penetration of public charging stations in the state. The factors included in scoring are: number of available public EV chargers and, public EV charger penetration (i.e. how many vehicles per charger). An equal weightage of percentile rank of number of public chargers and the penetration of public EV chargers are computed to calculate charging infrastructure score. The equal weightage ensures that states with higher number of public chargers as well as higher charger penetration are ranked higher.

The number of charging infrastructure is taken from the BEE website (click here). This includes both public-sector and private-sector chargers but not privately owned (home or office) charging. 

3. Adoption Score

This is a relative scoring framework where each state is ranked based on the EV penetration (percentage of EVs among the total number of vehicles) across three categories; Personal Transport, Shared Transport and Public Fleet. For each of these categories, the individual score is calculated on an equally weighted two statistics; One, the percentile rank of the EV sales and, Two, percentile scoring of EV penetration.  Furthermore, an average of the scores of the above three categories (Personal Transport, Shared Transport and Public Fleet) is computed to calculate the Adoption Score.

Data for EV sales are taken from the EV Dashboard developed by Climate Dot and Climate trends. The underlying data comes from the Government of India’s Vahan portal. Click here to access the dashboard. 

Based on the above three scores for each state, the final state score is computed based on the average of the three scores. The above methodology ensures that multiple dimensions that impact the EV adoption are considered. Furthermore, this assessment will aid in nuanced understanding of the factors influencing EV market development in the state.


- Click here to download the excel data behind the ranking. 

- We intend to update the state rankings on a bi-annual basis.

- Telangana does not report its EV data to the Vahan portal for reasons unknown to us, and therefore we do not rank Telangana.