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India State EV Rankings

The India State EV Rankings is an attempt to gauge the progress of Indian states in the e-mobility transition. The goal is to help researchers, policy-makers and just about everybody compare various states in India with the hope that the leaders further the good work and the laggards try to catch up.

The ranking is developed based on three criterias: EV affordability, EV charging infrastructure and EV adoption score.

EV affordability score

This is a relative scoring framework developed to understand the impact of the state's policies on purchase of an Electric Vehicle (EV). These are state specific incentives over and above the central government's FAME subsidy. The incentives are categorized into the following five categories:

  • Demand Incentives
  • SGST reimbursement
  • Motor Vehicle Tax exemption
  • Registration fee exemption
  • Motor fee exemption
EV charging infrastructure score

This is a relative scoring framework that assesses the number of public charging stations in the state. Public chargers are important to allay any concerns of running out of charge on the streets. However, most public chargers are likely to be used for inter-city travel. The factors included in scoring are: Number of available public EV chargers, Public EV charger penetration (i.e. how many vehicles per charger).

EV adoption score

This is a relative scoring framework where each state is ranked based on the EV penetration (Percentage of EVs among the total number of vehicles) across three categories; Personal Transport, Shared Transport and Public Fleet.

Click here to understand the scoring framework and methodology in detail.