climate dot logoClimate Dot

Accelerating the energy transition to aid international climate goals

Climate Dot is a think and act research organisation committed to accelerate the energy transition in India. We transform information into knowledge, provide insightful analysis and demonstrate on ground pilots to translate ideas into reality.

What we do?

Energy Transition

Build regulatory databases, dashboards and modelling tools for the power sector

Decarbonising the energy sector is imperative to meet India's climate goals. We focus on the largest sectoral emitter - the power sector to bring insightful analyses and data dashboards. We are currently developing detailed historical regulatory dashboards to aid decision making in the power sector.

How we do it?

Knowledge & Databases

Build easy to understand and yet rigorous knowledge that would aid decision making

We develop databases by keeping track of latest policy, regulatory and schematic developments by the government. Our rigorous research and findings are conveyed through our reports and databases. We believe in sharing knowledge through free, open source tools and datasets beneficial to policy makers and researchers.